Posts by Adam Stumacher

The Man Behind the Metal Detector

NEW YORK TIMES: "Every morning, I stand behind the metal detectors, searching bags as students enter the school."

Subject, Verb, Object

NARRATIVE MAGAZINE: "Anh-Thuy Nguyen, who recently bleached her hair and told everybody she wanted to be..."

An Occupation

GRANTA: "Before coming to the West Bank, Nathan worked for years as piano tuner, which left him with a nervous tic."

Still These Students Rise

COGNOSCENTI: "The night before the inauguration, the Strand Theater in Dorchester was packed..."


KENYON REVIEW: "Last week there was a brawl out by the bus stop and some kid got stabbed seven times."

Kenyon Review Interview

KENYON REVIEW: "I believe that we’re trying to shape language into something of lasting beauty, but that literature has to be more than pretty words."

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